Professional Development: Quality Teaching for English Learners
This week, a cohort of East Ramapo elementary school teachers gathered in the PLCC room in the Central Registration Building to learn about teaching English Language Learners.
The District’s educational partner in training these educators is WestEd, and the curriculum being tackled this week is “Quality Teaching for English Learners”, or QTEL. Through this rigorous training, our educators are getting the tools they need to accelerate language development, academic literacy, and disciplinary knowledge of all students, particularly English learners. These full-day training sessions provide an in-depth focus on elementary literacy.
Day 1: Sociocultural approach to learning and fostering the development of oracy
Day 2: Pedagogical scaffolding: the architecture of lessons that challenge and support students
Day 3: Principles of quality teaching for English learners
Day 4: Principles of quality teaching for English learners
Day 5: Lesson planning for high-challenge and high-support work for ELLs
“These professional learning opportunities are essential to the success of our students. All teachers in our district are educators of English Learners, and they are excited to engage in this learning, building on what they already know about quality teaching,” stated Samantha Scherer, Director of Multilingual Education. "During QTEL, teachers learn many strategies for meeting the needs and accelerating the learning of all the students in their classrooms."
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