Student Support Services
East Ramapo Central School District is committed to making sure all students receive a quality education that fits within the framework of their individual needs. The Department of Student Support Services specially designs instruction, services and programs to help meet the unique needs of students with disabilities.
Do you have any questions about your child's progress, academic, social and/or emotional needs?
If you have any questions about whether or not your child requires special education services, it is helpful to ask the right questions. We are here to help. Please call 845-577-6040 or your child’s school.
Child Find
In an attempt to maintain a continual “Child Find” program, the East Ramapo Central School District is committed to locating and identifying disabled youngsters residing within District boundaries, including preschool-aged children and those attending non-public schools. If you suspect your child has a disability, we urge you to share your concerns with your child’s teacher or your school’s Assistant Principal. We also encourage you to share any developmental concerns with your pediatric provider.
Learn more about the Developmental Milestones for your child
Special Education
East Ramapo offers the entire New York State Continuum of Special Education Services, and prides itself on maintaining students in their least restrictive environment with supports needed to succeed.
Case Management
In addition to the programs in district, The Case Management Office provides services to students who have been recommended by the school District for out-of-district placements. Once a student has been recommended for an out- of-district placement, the staff in Case Management assumes responsibility for overseeing the student’s educational program. The Case Management Office conducts CSE meetings and annual reviews. The Case Management staff observes students in their school environments, meets with staff and parents as necessary and ensures students receive an appropriate education.
Committee on Special Education (CSE)
All special education placements are determined by the Committee on Special Education, the Subcommittee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education. Based on mandated documents and educational reports, the CSE will determine if a disability exists and, if so, will recommend appropriate services, program and placement. These committees, in conjunction with parents and teachers, help develop Individual Education Programs (IEPs) for each school-age or preschool- age pupil with a disability on an annual basis.
Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)
The School District is responsible for ensuring the provision of evaluations and special education services and/or programs to eligible preschool children. A child must be classified by the CPSE as a preschooler with a disability in order to receive services. Parents who have concerns about their preschool child’s development should contact the CPSE Department with questions.
Increasing Social Emotional and Mental Health Support
East Ramapo is committed to meeting the needs of the whole child by focusing on supporting students and families. The Coordinator of Family and Community Engagement alongside the Homeless Liasion, Family Resource Coordinators, School Counselors, Social Workers, and School Psychologists collaborate to pro- vide multiple layers of support for students, families, and the greater community.
Department Contacts
Main Office
Karen Marconi
Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services
Tamara Truax
Executive Director of Special Education
Jennifer Coggio
Director of Special Education Non-Public Schools
Tara Richards
Director of Guidance
Beatriz Munoz
Assistant Director of Special Education
Stephanie Ayala
Assistant Director of Special Education
Tina Marie Woods
CPSE/CSE Coordinator
Community Partners
In addition to in-school supports, the District recognizes the efforts of our community partners:
- Access-VR (845-426-5410)
- Alcoholics Anonymous (845-352-1112)
- Astor Services (845-871-1000)
- Bridges (845-624-1366)
- Candle (845-634-6677)
- Catholic Charities Community Services of Rockland (845-942-5791
- Center for Safety and Change (845-634-3344)
- Child Care Resources of Rockland (845-425-0009)
- Methodone Clinics in cities of New York (1-800-680-7137)
- NAMI - National Alliance of Mental Illness (845-359-8787)
- Ramapo Police Department (845-357-2400)
- Rockland BOCES (845-348-3500)
- Rockland County Department of Social Services (845-364-3100)
- Rockland County Department of Health (845-364-2512)
- Samaritan Daytop Village (845-353-2730)
- Spring Valley Police Department (845-357-7044)