Title III
Title III, Part A - English Language Learners and Immigrant Students
Title III, Part A - ELL Grant
Title III funding is used by schools to develop programs to support identified Limited English Proficient (LEP) students in Kindergarten through Grade 12. Schools may hire supplemental teachers and/or paraprofessionals to work with LEP students on an individual or small group basis. In addition, Title III funding is utilized by schools to purchase supplies and materials to support Title III program implementation and effectiveness. To help assess and evaluate the progress of these students, the state requires that all LEP students are assessed annually. The test results assist schools in determining the progress and individual needs of students, as well as monitor the overall efficacy of schools' Title III programs.
Title III, Part A - Immigrant Grant
The term "eligible immigrant student" is defined in federal statute as an individual student who (a) is aged three through twenty-one; (b) was not born in any state (each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico); and (c) has not been attending any one or more schools in the United States for more than three full school years (20 USC 7011[5]).