Computer Software and Hardware Loan Program
New York State Education Law authorizes the East Ramapo Central School District to purchase and loan computer software and computer hardware to all students attending public and nonpublic elementary or secondary schools located within the school district boundaries.
The per student allocation for the 2024-2025 school year is as follows:
- Instructional Computer Software - $14.98 per student enrolled in grades K-12
- Instructional Computer Hardware - $8.08 per student enrolled in grades K-12
The deadline date to submit Instructional Computer Software and Hardware requests is:
March 21, 2025.
Hardware and Software Orders
If your school would like to participate in this loan program, please follow the directions below.
- Complete the 2024-25 Computer Software Loan Request Form and/or 2024-25 Computer Hardware Loan Request Form
- Complete one form per vendor.
- Be sure to include all vendor information, item description, quantity, manufacturer’s item number, cost per item, shipping cost and any additional information requested on the order form.
- All requests require a price quote. You must include the quote reference number along with the item description.
- If the total cost of your order exceeds $1,000, you MUST provide two additional quotes.
- All orders must be submitted by indicated deadlines (click here for deadlines).
- Do not exceed your school's allocation.
- Submit all requests on the forms provided and include any required attachments to Be sure to include any required attachments.
Transfer Requests
As in years past, the Office of Funded Programs is offering nonpublic schools the opportunity to make transfers of funds for State Aid Instructional Material. If you would like to transfer funds, please submit a request to transfer funds by completing the 2024-25 State Aid Transfer Request Form.
Additional Information
Instructional computer software and hardware loaned by a public school district cannot contain religious content. See attachment for each program, regarding definitions and examples of religious, denominational and sectarian materials, policy and guidelines. See Definitions & Policy's Computer- Hardware/Software.
For your convenience, this budget tracking template can help you keep track of your program balances.