Text Book & Library Loan Program
Text Book Loan Program
Textbook Order(s) deadline for the 2024-25 School Year is:
March 21, 2025.
Definition of Textbooks under the Textbook Loan Program: Any book or book substitute which a pupil is required to use as a text or text substitute in a particular class or program as a primary source of study material intended to implement a major part of the state or local curriculum. Any such textbook which has been approved by any school board in New York State may be requested for loan.
If you would like to participate and or you have questions about this Textbook Loan program, please see the links below:
Library Loan Program
The deadline date to submit Library Loan requests for the 2024-25 School Year is:
March 21, 2025.
New York State Education Law authorizes the East Ramapo Central School District to purchase and loan library books to all students attending public and non-public elementary or secondary schools located within the school district boundaries, regardless of their school district of residence.
The Library Loan allocation per student for the 2024-25 school year is $6.25 per student.
If your school would like to participate in this library loan program, please complete the 2024-2025 Book Order Form.
Do not exceed your school's total allocation.
Library books and instructional computer software and hardware loaned by a public school district cannot contain religious content.
All order must be submitted by indicated deadlines (click here for deadlines).
Transfer Requests
As in years past, the Office of Funded Programs is offering nonpublic schools the opportunity to make transfers of funds for State Aid Instructional Material. If you would like to transfer funds, please submit a request to transfer funds by completing the 2024-24 State Aid Transfer Request form.
Additional Information
For your convenience, this budget tracking template can help you keep track of your program balances.
Unapproved Book List
See attachments for each program regarding definitions and examples of religious, denominational, and sectarian materials, policy and guidelines.
These programs are run and managed by the ERCSD's Book Depository, under the direction of the Funded Programs Department.