Co-Taught Integrated English as a New Language
English as a New Language (ENL) instruction is available in all 14 buildings. One of the ways ENL instruction is delivered is through a Collaborative Co-Teaching model. This model affords the students the opportunity to receive ENL and content instruction simultaneously. Both the teacher certified in English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and the content certified teacher collaborate to create and teach lessons that are content based and differentiated based on students’ English language proficiency level.
Stand Alone English as a New Language Classes
The other model for ENL services is the Stand Alone model. ELLs receive ENL instruction provided by an ESOL teacher in a separate classroom. Teachers instruct students based on their language proficiency needs as per the NYSESLAT or NYSITELL exam results. The ESOL teacher focuses on teaching reading and writing skills through the use of oral language development. This is done, for example, by engaging students in academic discourse that requires the use of grade level vocabulary and complex language structures. Reading and writing are taught using differentiated scaffolds based on students' language levels. All materials for the classes are age and grade appropriate, as well as aligned to the New York State Common Core Learning Standards.
Instructional Units of English as a New Language Services
All ELLs must be enrolled in ENL classes in accordance with the New York State Commissioner's Regulations Part 154.
Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade receive the following units of mandated services based on their language proficiency:
- Entering and Emerging Level: 1 Stand Alone class and 1 CoTaught Integrated class
- Transitioning and Expanding Levels: 1 CoTaught Integrated class