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ELLs and Special Education

English Language Learners and Special Education

English Language Learners (ELLs) who are also classified as a Student with a Disability are entitled to receive language acquisition services in the form of English as a New Language or Bilingual Education. Services provided must be in accordance with the New York State Commissioner's Regulations Part 154 Units of Study. 

NYSESLAT Exam Requirements for ELLs with Disabilities

The New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) is administered to all English Language Learners every spring. The NYSESLAT is a measurement of a student's English language growth. ELLs with disabilities are required to take the exam in consideration of any testing accommodations recommended in the student’s IEP that is allowable by New York State policy.

Students must achieve the exit criteria to no longer receive ELL services. 

To learn more about Exit Criteria please visit our ELL Identification & Evaluation Page.