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ELL Identification & Evaluation

The English Language Learner (ELL) Identification process is done in accordance with Part 117 of the Diagnostic Screening of Pupils and the Commissioner's Regulations Part 154. 

The District's ELL Coordinator conducts the screening of all potential ELLs entering the District. Additionally, each elementary school has at least one certified teacher who has received ongoing professional development and can administer the New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL), if necessary. This would be done after the ELL Coordinator has thoroughly reviewed the Home Language Questionnaire with the families. 

The ELL Identification process is as follows:

  1. Home Language Questionnaire: If the Home Language Questionnaire form indicates a language other than English, then proceed to step 2. 
  2. Individual Interview: This is conducted in English and the students' home language. If the student is unable to answer the questions in English or does so with a difficulty, proceed to step 3. 
  3. New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL): The test is administered to determine the English language proficiency level of students who are enrolling in a New York school for the first time. 
  4. Parent Orientation: Parents watch NYSED's Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages ELL Parent Orientation Video.  
    • The ELL Coordinator discusses language acquisition models provided within the District and answers any questions they may have. 
    • Parents select which model would be best for their child IF the results of the NYSITELL indicate their child is an ELL. (Answer sheets are scanned to the Lower Hudson Regional Information Center for scoring. The results are available in 24-48 hours).
    • Parents receive a copy of the ELL Parent Bill of Rights. 
  5. Parent Notification of ELL Status: Parents are notified of their child's ELL status based on the results of the NYSITELL.
  6. Placement: School Administrators and teachers are informed of students' status and the language acquisition model the parents selected.

For more information, please view the NYSED ELL Identification Flow Chart

Students with Interrupted/Inconsistent Education

Students who are identified as being Students with Interrupted/Inconsistent Formal Education (SIFE) receive instruction specifically aligned to supporting their academic and linguistic growth. ELLs are identified as SIFE based on the results of their performance on the Mulit-Lingual Screener (MLS). Students who score two or more grade levels below their current grade level in reading and/or math in their home language are designated as SIFE. Their instructional schedules are created to support their linguistic and academic goals. 

Click on the links below for more information regarding the SIFE Identification Process and NYS State SIFE Curriculum:

SIFE Identification Process     Bridges Curriculum

ELL Exit Criteria

In accordance with New York State Commissioner's Regulations Part 154, ELLs can exit ELL Status based on one of the following criteria:

  • Grades K-12: Scoring at the Commanding/Proficient level on the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT).
  • Grades 3-8: Scoring at the Expanding/Advanced level on the NYSESLAT and 3 or above on the NYS English Language Arts assessment within the same school year.
  • Grades 9-12: Scoring at the Expanding/Advanced level on the NYSESLAT and 65 or above on the NYS Regents Exam in English within the same school year.

Once an ELL has exited ELL status, he/she is designated as a Former ELL and is entitled to receive support services for up to 2 years.