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Title III


Title III funding is used by schools to develop programs to support identified Limited English Proficient (LEP) students in Kindergarten through Grade 12. Schools may hire supplemental teachers and/or paraprofessionals to work with LEP students on an individual or small group basis. In addition, Title III funding is utilized by schools to purchase supplies and materials to support Title III program implementation and effectiveness. To help assess and evaluate the progress of these students, the State requires that all LEP students are assessed annually. The test results assist schools in determining the progress and individual needs of students, as well as monitor the overall efficacy of schools' Title III programs.

LEP/ELL Students

LEP students are also referred to as English language learners (ELLs). These students might have been born in the United States. However, since a language other then English is spoken at home, their proficiency in English is below a state designated level. Students are screened for possible entry into the Title III program with the Home Language Questionnaire.  Generally, this form is part of the school's registration packet. Further assessment is then done with testing and teacher recommendation. Throughout the school year, the Title III staff contributes to the evaluation of these students in collaboration with the mainstream teachers. The school is required to have a Title III folder for each child, which is made available to subsequent teachers.

Title III Instructional Program

The curriculum is designed to develop English language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and work towards proficiency by using the students' developing skills in a variety of natural communicative situations. Programs generally cover basic communicative language as well as academic language. A language experience approach is used to teach beginning reading skills.

Parent Notification & Participation

The East Ramapo Central School District recognizes the importance of parent and community involvement in the education of LEP students and promotes parental and community participation in programs as support and enhancement to children's learning. Parents should make every effort to be involved with and participate in their children's education.

Staff Development

Providing support for staff is a priority and a significant factor in the success of the program. Title III funding has provided extra opportunities for schools to develop into learning communities. The School District supports staff with scheduled workshops as well as school visitations.  Educational consultants are also used to meet the specific needs of staff and to assist in developing educational objectives.


New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test

The New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) is designed to annually assess the English proficiency of limited English proficient students enrolled in Kindergarten through Grade 12 in New York State schools. The exam gives the State and schools important information about the English language development of English language learners (ELLs) and is part of the State's compliance with federal laws regarding the annual assessing and tracking of English proficiency levels of ELLs.

The Spring 2020 NYSESLAT was  canceled due to COVID.